Pet Food Pantry

Front Street Animal Shelter's Pet Food Pantry has been moved from Wednesday to Tuesday. It is from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm in the shelter's parking lot.

The programs listed below are sponsored by various shelters and organizations throughout Sacramento and provide free dog and cat food to pet owners in need and to help pets stay healthy and happy in their homes.

These pet food pantries are made possible through the generous donations from the community and local businesses. 

Titanic's Pet Food Pantry

Front Street Animal Shelter  -  2127 Front Street, Sacramento CA 95818


Available on Tuesday from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

  • If you arrive in a vehicle, please do NOT step out of the vehicle. Food is distributed through a drive-thru line.
  • Pick up a free bag of dog and/or cat food while supplies last.
  • This service is open to residents in any county.
  • Limit one (1) pantry distribution per household.

Please donate dog and cat food to the Front Street Animal Shelter
We accept all brands of non-prescription dog and cat food. Drop off your donated food 7 days a week from 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm.

  • Close to the expiration date is ok
  • Opened bags are okay but please securely tape shut before donating
  • Sealed cans or other unopened wet food is ok
  • Food must be clearly labeled

Are you a business that is able to donate one or more pallets of food?

Want to see some food and treat options and order directly from our Amazon Wish List?

  • Orders should be delivered to 2127 Front Street, Sacramento CA 95818


The Pet Pantry

Bradshaw Animal Shelter  -  3839 Bradshaw Rd, Sacramento CA 95827

Available Tuesday - Sunday from 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

  • Pet owners in need may pick up pet food ONCE a month.
  • This service provides pet food to  unincorporated County households and individuals that need temporary assistance.
  • Donations of unopened dry and wet pet food are accepted anytime during open business hours.

Please read the requirements in the Pet Pantry Temporary Assistance Program



Sacramento SPCA  -  6201 Florin Perkins Rd, Sacramento CA 95828

This program provides free pet food to low-income qualifying families who can't afford food for their household pets and is available to applicants who have been approved by the Sacramento SPCA for a scheduled pick-up based on their enrollment in California Advantage (EBT), Medi-Cal, SMUD Energy Assistance, or PGE Energy Assistance. Applications will be accepted every 6 months, as space allows.

For more information, please visit the Sacramento SPCA PAWPantry.


Anneke's Haven

Loaves & Fishes / 1351 North C St, Sacramento CA 95811 / 916-446-0874

Loaves & Fishes is Sacramento's largest homeless services provider and offers a pet kennelling service that is open 7 days a week. Animals with current vaccination records and are spayed or neutered can enjoy their own meals and a comfortable place to rest while their humans access the 15 other programs offered there. Guests can pick up pet food at the twice-monthly pet food giveaways.



Meals on Wheels / 916-444-9533

This program helps ensure that seniors and their pets don't go hungry by providing pet food along with home-delivered meals. You must be aged 60 or above, reside in Sacramento County, be homebound or have difficulty leaving your home due to illness, chronic health issues, and/or limited support, unable to prepare meals or shop for yourself, or have had a recent hospital stay or ongoing health problems.

If you are interested in receiving home-delivered meals from Meals on Wheels by ACC, call 916-444-9533 from 8:00 am - 3:30 pm, Monday to Friday. Or, you can send an online message at Meals on Wheels.