American Rescue Plan

On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) was signed into law making available $350 billion through the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) to assist states, tribal governments and local governments. The City of Sacramento became eligible for $112.2 million and on May 19, 2021, the City received the first installment in the amount of $56.1 million of ARP funds.

ARP Community Impact Hub

In December 2022, the City launched the ARP Community Impact Hub to highlight American Rescue Plan community investments, project outcomes and accomplishments. Learn more or go directly to a section using the links below: 

Abstract logo branding of ARP Community Impact Hub open_in_full

Framework and Funding Priorities

On September 14, 2021, City Council adopted the Mayor’s proposed ARP Framework and Funding Priorities, and directed the staff to implement City Council direction consistent with the adopted ARP Framework.

The ARP Framework prioritizes the funding of programs and projects in the following areas:

  • Small Business and Commercial Corridor Revitalization;
  • Homeless and Housing;
  • Youth, Workforce Training and Gang Prevention;
  • Arts and the Creative Economy; and
  • Valuing City Employees and Addressing Organizational Needs.

Funding Opportunities

The City will post ARP funding opportunities to this page as they become available.

Open Opportunities

The City does not currently have any open ARP funding opportunities.

Funding TypeOpportunity NameDue Date

Closed Opportunities

The City is no longer accepting proposals for the following funding opportunities:

Funding TypeOpportunity NameDue Date
ServicesSacramento COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign10/15/2021
ServicesCOVID-19 Gift Card Program Administration11/15/2021
ServicesSacramento Grant Liaison - Consultant11/17/2021
GrantEvidence-Based Community Violence Intervention (EBCVI) Grant Program12/1/2021
ServicesAggie Square Workforce Initiative Professional Services12/9/2021
GrantEvidence-Based Community Violence Interruption, Disruption, and Suppression (EBCVIDS) Grant Program12/17/2021
GrantEvidence-Based Community Violence Interruption, Disruption, and Suppression (EBCVIDS) Grant Program1/28/2022
GrantCity of Festivals 2022-2023 Citywide Special Event Support Programs - Round 16/3/2022
Grant"Seeding Creativity" Individual Artist Grants6/20/2022
GrantARPA Food Justice Grant Program8/24/2022
GrantCity of Festivals 2022-2023 Citywide Special Event Support Program - Round 210/31/2022
StipendProfessional Child Care Stipends (for Family Child Care Homes and Child Care Center operators)12/9/2022
GrantClimate Action and Resiliency Youth and Young Adult Pathways Program12/14/2022
GrantYouth-Serving Organizational Resiliency Fund12/19/2022
GrantArts & Cultural Nonprofit Recovery Program2/7/2023
ServicesYouth-Serving Organizational Resiliency Fund: Administration, Capacity Building and Technical Assistance2/10/2023
GrantCity of Fesitvals 2022-2023 Citywide Special Event Support Program - Round 32/28/2023
StipendGuaranteed Income Program (operated by United Way California Capital Region)4/14/2023
GrantCaliforniansForAll Youth Workforce Development Grant4/20/2023
GrantNorth Sacramento Facade and Property Improvement Pilot (Facade Pilot) - Round 15/31/2023
GrantCity of Festivals 2022-2023 Citywide Special Event Program - Round 45/31/2023
GrantAl Fresco (Outdoor Dining) Grant Program10/1/2023
GrantArts & Cultural Nonprofit Recovery Program10/30/2023
GrantNorth Sacramento Transformative Reinvestment Program12/5/2023
GrantNorth Sacramento Façade and Property Improvement Program12/5/2023
GrantCity of Festivals Special Event Support Program - Round 54/30/2024
GrantCreative Venues Grant - Rapid Response (Round 1)7/19/2024
GrantCreative Venues Grant - Venue Recovery (Round 1)7/19/2024
GrantForward Together North Sacramento Facade and Property Improvement Grant Program - Round 38/5/2024
ServicesEconomic Development Data Intelligence Software Service8/5/2024
GrantNorthgate Boulevard Storefront Improvement Grant Program8/30/2024
ServicesSpecialized Business Technical Assistance Provider9/13/2024
ServicesCore Business Technical Assistance Provider9/13/2024
ServicesSacramento Creative Growth Grant - Payment Distribution Platform10/11/2024
GrantCreative Venues Grant - Venue Recovery (Round 2)10/28/2024
GrantCreative Youth Workforce Development Grant1/10/2025
GrantNorth Sacramento Business Investment Program2/28/2025
ServicesArtist Outreach Support3/24/2025

U.S. Department of Treasury Guidelines and Compliance

The City of Sacramento must comply with all federal rules governing the use of ARP funds. Resources and guidance from the U.S. Department of Treasury (Treasury) to ensure recipient compliance with ARP State and Local Fiscal

Recovery Funds include:

Recovery Plan Performance Reports

Treasury requires that the City submits an annual Recovery Plan Performance Report with information on the projects undertaken. The City has submitted the the following reports to Treasury:

City Council Approval Timeline

The City Council discussed and approved matters related to ARP funding on the following dates:

8/24/2021Approval of Regulatory and Internal Control Framework for the City’s Use of ARP FundsN/A
8/24/2021Workshop on Mayor’s Proposed ARP Framework and Funding PrioritiesVideo
9/14/2021Approval and Adoption of Mayor’s Proposed ARP Framework and Funding PrioritiesSupplemental Material, Video
10/7/2021Discussion of the Draft ARP Racial Equity Rapid Response Tool and Community Vulnerability IndexPresentation, Community Vulnerability Index, Video
10/19/2021Approval of $61.75M in Programming for Small Business and Commercial Corridor Revitalization, Homeless and Housing, and Youth Workforce Training, and Gang PreventionVideo
10/26/2021Approval of the ARP Racial Equity Rapid Response Tool and Community Vulnerability Index MetricsPresentation, Video
11/16/2021Approval of a Grant Agreement with WellSpace Health for the Substance Use Respite and Engagement ProgramN/A
11/16/2021Approval of a Resolution Regarding Real Property Acquisition for the Potential Purposes of Siting Homeless ServicesN/A
12/7/2021Approval of Additional Resources for Business Compliance and Outreach and Animal Care Community ResponseN/A
12/7/2021Approval of Staffing Request to Address New Legislative Requirements Governing Release of Public RecordsN/A
12/14/2021Approval of a Supplemental Agreement with Forensiclean for Extended ServicesN/A
12/14/2021Acceptance of a National Endowment for the Arts ARPA GrantN/A
1/11/2022Approval of a Grant Agreement with Downtown Sacramento Partnership, Inc. for Small Business PrioritiesN/A
1/11/2022Approval of a Grant Agreement with Downtown Sacramento Partnership, Inc. for Old Sacramento Waterfront ImprovementsN/A
1/11/2022Approval of a Grant Agreement with Sierra Health Foundation: Center for Health Program Management for the Youth PopUp ProgramN/A
1/18/2022Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Runyon Saltzman, Inc. for COVID-19 Vaccination Marketing and Public Awareness CampaignN/A
2/8/2022Approval of Grant Agreements for Small Business Priorities/Clean and Safe ActivitiesN/A
3/1/2022Approval of the Arts and Creative Economy Funding Allocation and FrameworkN/A
3/1/2022Approval of a Supplemental Agreement with First Step Communities for Continued Emergency Shelter Response OperationsN/A
3/22/2022Approval of a Grant Agreement with the Sacramento Asian-Pacific Chamber of Commerce for the Sacramento Inclusive Economic Development Collaborative Small Business and Commercial Corridor Assistance ProgramN/A
3/22/2022Approval of the City of Festivals Citywide Special Event Support Program GuidelinesN/A
4/5/2022Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with the Sacramento Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce on Behalf of the Sacramento Inclusive Economic Development Collaborative for Small Business Utilization ProgramN/A
4/19/2022Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Crowe LLP for American Rescue Plan Act Grant Liaison Consulting ServicesN/A
4/26/2022Discussion of the implementation of the Interim Rapid Response Tool (IRRT) for American Rescue Plan Act Programs and Lessons Learned from Arts Grant Funding EffortsPresentation, Video
6/14/2022Approval of the Workforce Development Framework and Spending PlanVideo
6/21/2022Approval of a Grant Agreement with United Way California Capital Region (UWCCR) for expansion of the Direct Investment Program in Sacramento (DIPS) Guaranteed Income (GI) ProgramN/A
6/21/2022Approval of the Al Fresco Dining ProgramN/A
6/28/2022Approval of $1.5 million for the ARPA Food Security InitiativesN/A
7/19/2022Approval of a Grant Agreement with Sacramento Convention and Visitors Bureau (Visit Sacramento) to Support Tourism Recovery through Iconic Event ProductionN/A
7/19/2022Approval of a Grant Agreement with Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services for a Food Assistance ProgramN/A
7/19/2022Approval of a Grant Agreement with Center for Workers’ Rights for Continued Operation of the Coronavirus Job Protection HelplineN/A
7/26/2022Approval of the ARPA Northgate Boulevard Economic Recovery Plan FrameworkN/A
7/26/2022Approval of an American Rescue Plan Act Reinvestment Fund (ARPARF) Grant Agreement with PRO Youth & Families, Inc. for #SacYouthWorks Summer Program FundsN/A
8/9/2022Approval of the North Sacramento Economic Recovery Plan Framework for ARPA FundsN/A
8/9/2022Approval of a Grant Agreement with California Black Chamber of Commerce Foundation for the Marginalized Community and Small Business Coalition ProgramN/A
8/16/2022Approval of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Childcare Framework & Spending Plan, ARPA Reinvestment Fund Grant Agreement with Child Action, Inc. for a Childcare Provider StipendN/A
10/25/2022Approval of the Digital Equity Response Program Framework and Grant Agreement with United Way California Capital RegionN/A
10/25/2022Approval of a Grant Agreement with WEAVE, Inc. for Sheltering Women and FamiliesN/A
10/25/2022Transfer of $11,210,003 for Affordable Housing Development ProjectsSupplemental Material
11/10/2022Approval of Budgetary Adjustments for the Northgate Boulevard Fence Repair ProjectN/A
11/10/2022Approval of City Homeless Motel Voucher Program Contract ExtensionsN/A
11/29/2022Approval of a Grant Agreement with Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation for the Northgate Boulevard Business Recovery ProgramN/A
11/29/2022Approval of Northgate Boulevard Economic Recovery Plan Grant Agreements for Nonprofit SupportN/A
1/10/2023Approval of the New Fee Schedule for Al Fresco Dining Program and the Al Fresco Dining Grant ProgramN/A
3/7/2023Consideration of an Amendment to a Grant Agreement with United Way California Capital Region (UWCCR) for expansion of the Direct Investment Program in Sacramento (DIPS) Guaranteed Income (GI) Program5 p.m. Meeting Agenda (Item 20)
3/28/2023Approval of Budgetary Adjustments to Office of Arts & Culture Multi-Year Operating ProjectsN/A
3/28/2023Approval of a Department of Community Response Citywide Cleanup Services AgreementN/A
4/11/2023Discussion of ARPA Interim Rapid Response Tool (IRRT) Update on Trends and ApplicationVideo
4/18/2023Approval of an Amendment to the ARPA Childcare Framework & Spending Plan and Grant Agreement with Child Action, Inc. for a Childcare Provider StipendN/A
5/2/2023Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Center for Nonprofit Management for the Youth-Serving Organizational Resiliency Fund Grant ProgramN/A
5/2/2023Approval of City Manager Authority to Amend ARPA and ARPA Reinvestment Fund Grant Agreements and Funding AllocationsN/A
6/20/2023Approval of Supplemental Agreement No. 2 with Crowe LLP for American Rescue Plan Act Grant Liaison Consulting ServicesN/A
9/12/2023Approval of Amended North Sacramento Economic Recovery Plan Framework for ARPA FundsN/A
10/10/2023Professional Service Agreement with Los Rios Community College District for Early Childhood Education (ECE) ApprenticeshipN/A
10/24/2023Approval of Arts and Creative Economy Program Revised Approach for Creative BusinessesN/A
11/14/2023Approval of Sacramento Iceland Ice Skating Rink Forgivable Loan and Facade Loan Agreements and Amended ARPA North Sacramento Economic Recovery Plan FrameworkN/A
3/26/2024Approval of City of Festivals 2024 Citywide Special Event Support Program GuidelinesN/A
4/9/2024Approval of a Grant Agreement Amendment with Sierra Service Project for the #CaliforniansForAll Youth Workforce Development ProgramN/A
5/7/2024Approval of a Grant Agreement with Local Media Foundation for Solving Sacramento Journalism CollectiveN/A
5/28/2024Approval of a Grant Agreement Amendment with Urban Strategies, Inc. for the #CaliforniansForAll Youth Workforce Development ProgramN/A
6/11/2024Approval of a Nonprofessional Services Agreement with Unseen Heroes for Creative Community Development dba CLTRE for Entrepreneurial Training, Development and Grantmaking ServicesN/A
6/25/2024Approval of the Amended North Sacramento Economic Recovery Plan Framework for ARPA FundsN/A
9/10/2024Approval of a Professional Services Agreement for Grants Management System and Salesforce Application Enhancement and Support ServicesN/A
10/8/2024Approval of the Amended Arts & Creative Economy FrameworkSupplemental Material
10/29/2024Approval of a Contract Amendment for Citywide e-Gift Card Program “Shop916 Local”N/A
10/29/2024Approval to Establish of a Small Business Assistance Center PilotN/A
1/28/2025Approval of an Agreement with AidKit Inc. for the Creative Growth Support Fund ProjectN/A
2/4/2025Approval of a Grant Agreement with CADA for Monarch Affordable Housing Project (805 R Street)N/A