Workforce Development

The City’s Office of Innovation and Economic Development is focused on better connecting residents in underserved communities with critical workforce resources. The workforce development priorities and goals are to build capacity, expand the reach of workforce development training activities and provide wraparound and supportive services into the neighborhoods.

The City’s workforce development programs will support and advance inclusive economic growth, improve the health of neighborhoods and support people, places, and actions that promote overall economic recovery and impacts immediately and well beyond the pandemic.

Youth Service Corps - Youth and Young Adult Work Experience

The City of Sacramento Office of Innovation and Economic Development is pleased to announce the release of Youth Service Corps (YSC) NOFO (Formerly CaliforniansForAll). The City is seeking applications from non-profit community-based organizations (CBOs) and governmental entities to conduct a YSC Young Adult Work Experience Program. There are two funding opportunities available under this NOFO. Applicants can apply for an approximately eight-month program (end of March 2025 to end of December 2025) or for an approximately three-month summer program (June 2025 – August 2025). For-profit entities are not eligible for YSC Grant funding. The City has allocated approximately $1 million of the YSC Grant for the Young Adult Work Experience Program.

The City intends to enter into no more than 5 grant agreements with non-profits and governmental entities to train and employ Sacramento’s priority youth and young adults in the areas of climate, food insecurity, education, and public service. The NOFO and application portal opened February 18, 2025 and closed on March 24, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. (PST);


City Council approved $1.5 million in ARP funding to expand childcare services in Sacramento to increase accessibility for families, increase the childcare workforce and support childcare providers. Further details on eligibility and how to access these services will be released as programs are finalized.

CaliforniansForAll Workforce Development Grant

In June 2022, the City accepted a $6,980,080 CaliforniansForAll Youth Workforce Development Grant through California Volunteers to develop non-profit and public sector pathways for young people ages 16 to 30 to step into existing high-need positions through sustainable pre-apprenticeship and on-the-job training (OJT) programs that support long-term COVID-19 recovery and climate change mitigation goals. This programming will support ongoing workforce efforts to fortify career pathways into public sector and high-growth jobs and institute a more cohesive youth workforce ecosystem that better aligns with the efforts of public agencies, education systems, Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and employers within growing local industries.

The City will use funding to:

  • Develop a youth workforce pipeline into City departments with the greatest labor needs such as the Department of Utilities, Public Works, Youth Parks, & Community Enrichment;
  • Subgrant to CBOs and other public agencies to train and manage youth internships within their organizations in the key areas of climate, food insecurity, and local COVID-19 recovery;
  • and Subgrant to CBOs to provide wrap-around services and job readiness for youth participating in the program.

Get Involved

Youth/ Young adults:

  • If you are between the ages of 16 - 30 and are interested in participating in this program, please fill out this short interest form to be notified when opportunities open up.

Non-profit organizations/ Governmental entities:

  • COVID-19 Recovery and Young Adult Work Experience Program: The City is working with non-profit organizations and governmental entities to administer internships in fields related to COVID-19 recovery, food security, and climate career pathways for a minimum of five youth and young adults between the ages of 16 - 30.

CARES Act funded workforce recovery program

Mayor and City Council in July 2020 allocated $10 million in Federal CARES Act funding to workforce development programs and resources to help counter the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Sacramento’s families and communities.

This was the first-ever workforce development investment of this size, by the City of Sacramento. This allocation provided grant funding to 29 workforce programs, implemented by over 30 workforce providers that served 2,100 Sacramento residents

Learn more at the City’s COVID Relief website.

ARP funded workforce

The Sacramento City Council approved a $15 million plan to provide job training, paid internships and workforce readiness training to thousands of Sacramento residents — most between the ages of 16 and 30. City staff will be issuing requests for proposals over the 2022 summer to select the best training providers.