Community Ambassadors

About the Program

The NDAT Community Ambassador program is a language justice program created to facilitate multicultural bridge building to create and maintain relationships with community partners, businesses, and residents who represent linguistically diverse populations and/or historically underrepresented communities. 

By working with individuals known and trusted in the community, the City hopes to build trust and engagement with the broader community, in order to ensure that cultural or language barriers do not prevent access to information, resources, and opportunities.

APA Award Group Photo open_in_full

Sacramento Valley Section APA Awards Ceremony Group Photo

A community ambassador is an individual or organization who is already leading outreach and engagement efforts and is willing to partner with the City to assist in promoting City services and communications by sharing information with their networks and respective communities. Community Ambassadors serve as a liaison between the City and community and attend monthly meetings to discuss upcoming community engagement activities, events, and efforts of the City and share community events, needs, and concerns. City staff also wants to learn from community ambassadors on how best to serve these communities.