Get Involved
Your participation makes a difference. Your input can help us understand what works and what needs improvement. As such, your feedback is valuable and is key to making effective programming and policies. Here are a few ways you can get involved.
Attend a city event
Use the calendar to find city events
View upcoming meeting schedules and past meeting notes
Learn more about the work of boards and commissions in the city of Sacramento
Give your input on proposed initiatives and plans
Every 10 years the City of Sacramento must re-establish district boundaries
Learn about the general plan update for 2040 and the Climate Action Plan
Learn more about the city's work around fine and fee reduction and reform
Participate in a city-sponsored leadership program
Learn about distinct departments and divisions within the city and what they do
Volunteer or work for the city
Find city affiliated volunteer opportunities
Find openings on the various boards and commissions in the City.
Find a job working in the city!