Nolan's Story

Why did you come to the Financial Empowerment Center?

I found out about the FEC's financial coaching program through an email I received from the City of Sacramento, with the subject line City Minute. At the time, I had recently moved out of my parent’s house and signed a 1-year lease. I was a new real estate agent, and my only source of income was commission. Knowing I had to be smart with my money, I thought the email came to me at the perfect time. So, I decided to inquire with the FEC and see how they could help me.

Nolan open_in_full

What financial achievements have you made since coming to the FEC?

Since beginning my financial coaching I have achieved numerous financial goals. I paid off my credit card, tracked all expenses and income for one year, increased my credit score by 60 points, opened three new bank accounts (and am contributing to them monthly), saved money in various accounts totaling 3 months of expenses, and cultivated an awareness of how and when I spend my money.

Why and how has the FEC made a difference in your financial future and overall life? What has working with a Financial Coach done to help you, your family, etc.? What would you say to a friend or family member who was curious about how the FEC could help them?

Working with the FEC has given me peace of mind, the skills I need to support myself, and confidence in my ability to build my finances for the future. Not only has my coach helped me, I have referred my girlfriend to her as well. This has sparked a financial journey with potential far greater than my initial goals. I would highly recommend this service to anyone who needs it, no matter their circumstances.

Do you plan to continue working with your Financial Coach to achieve specific goals? What goals? How can the FEC help you achieve these goals?

Yes, I do intend to continue working with my coach. My next goals are to refinance my auto loan, build an emergency fund of $25,000, get my credit to 800, and begin investing for retirement.