Forward Together North Sacramento Facade Grant FAQ

What is the Forward Together North Sacramento Facade and Property Improvement Grant Program?

The Forward Together North Sacramento Facade and Property Improvement Program (Façade Program) is a grant program that provides up to $30,000 for eligible exterior improvements to properties located along key commercial corridors within City Council District 2.

Who can apply for a grant?

To be eligible, applicants must be the property owner of, or the tenant occupying, a building with street frontage located on one of the following commercial corridors within City Council District 2:

  1.  Arcade Boulevard
  2.  Arden Way
  3.  Del Paso Boulevard
  4.  El Camino Avenue
  5.  Eleanor Avenue
  6.  Grand Avenue
  7.  Marysville Boulevard
  8.  Norwood Avenue 
  9.  Rio Linda Boulevard

View this PDF aerial map or view this interactive map for the exact street segments that are eligible.

Additional eligibility requirements are as follows:

  1. If the applicant is a tenant: (a)The tenant must obtain the property owner’s written consent for the proposed improvements; and (b)Meet either (1) or (2):
    (1)The tenant must have a current lease with a minimum of three years remaining; or
    (2)The tenant must obtain the property owner’s written assurance of a lease extension for at least three years.

Are nonprofits eligible to apply for the third round?

Yes. As long as the applicant meets the other eligibility criteria stated above, nonprofits are eligible to apply for round three consideration.

Can I apply for multiple grants?

Applicants owning, or doing business in, more than one building can apply for one grant per building. If a contiguous building with multiple storefronts, applicants can apply for one grant per storefront. However, the City reserves the right to limit the number of grants awarded to any applicant at its sole discretion.

If I own multiple businesses, can I apply with one application or should I apply with an application for each entity?

Applicants owning multiple eligible properties should apply for each eligible property with a separate application. Please note that while applicants owning, or doing business in, more than one building can apply for one grant per building, the City reserves the right to limit the number of grants awarded to any applicant at its sole discretion.

If I applied for a first or second round grant, but did not receive an award, can I apply for the third round?

Yes. Applicants who applied in the first or second round, but did not receive an award, are eligible to resubmit their application for third round consideration.

If I applied for a first or second round grant and received an award, can I apply for the third round?

Applicants who applied in the first or second round and received an award are not eligible to reapply for the same building unless the building is a contiguous building with multiple storefronts. If a contiguous building with multiple storefronts, round one and round two awardees can apply for one grant per different storefront. Additionally, round one and two awardees may submit a round three application for a different building.

Will there be future rounds of funding?

This is the third, and likely final, round of the Façade Program. There is approximately $500,000 available for this round of funding. If all funds are not expended, the City may release a fourth round or reprogram the funding toward other City Council District 2 priorities.

How much are grant awards?

The minimum funding request per application is $5,000.

The maximum funding request per application is $30,000.

Is there a match requirement?

Grant awards totaling $5,000 or less do not require a match.

Any amount more than $5,000 requires a 50% match. For example, if an applicant receives a $25,000 grant, the applicant is required to contribute $10,000 ($25,000 - $5,000 = $20,000 x 50%). In this example, the applicant will realize a total of $35,000 in improvements with a $10,000 investment

How is the City selecting who is awarded a grant?

A review panel will score applications using the scoring rubric published in the solicitation.

How and when will I be notified if I am awarded a grant?

The City will notify applicants if invited to participate in an application review meeting via the email address provided on the application. The City will notify all applicants regardless of funding status upon completion of the review panel process.

How will I receive the grant funding?

The City will issue payment via an incurred cost method. For this grant program, an incurred cost means either an expense that the grantee has already paid or an expense that the grantee is obligated to pay but has not yet made the payment.

The City will withhold 10% of the total grant award until completion of an onsite inspection of the completed project.

Additionally, for grant awards over $5,000, the applicant must demonstrate compliance with the 50% cash match requirement before receiving final payment

What can I use the grant funding for?

Eligible activities include but are not limited to:

  1. Exterior painting
  2. Installation of new façade elements including, but not limited to, signs, awnings, canopies, lighting, windows, doors, stucco, siding, tile, or stone accents
  3. Restoration of original architectural features
  4. Removal of boarded windows, security bars, dilapidated signs, awnings, and other exterior clutter
  5. Construction of new entrances
  6. Construction of new and permanent outdoor dining or gathering spaces
  7. Construction of new trash enclosures
  8. Any applicable professional service fees related to design, architectural, engineering, and construction plans
  9. Any applicable City and State permitting fees

The City will consider other activities on a case-by-case basis. In general, the activities must permanently improve the physical appearance of the property. Additionally, the activities cannot be one of the ineligible activities listed below.

Ineligible activities include:

  1. Interior property improvements
  2. Improvements to new buildings constructed within the last five calendar years
  3. Performing general or deferred repair or maintenance including roof repair and replacement
  4. Upgrading mechanical, plumbing, or electrical equipment
  5. Temporary or removable patio furniture, fixtures, or accessories
  6. Installation of permanent and irrigated landscaping
  7. Land clearing or tree removal costs
  8. Parking area paving, resurfacing, repairing, or restriping
  9. Chain link fencing with or without slats
  10. Residential projects located in residential neighborhoods and non-conforming uses in commercially zoned areas

Can we use the grant to add roll down doors to increase safety?

Yes, roll-down doors are an eligible activity; however, please refer to the scoring criteria published on page 8 of the grant solicitation to ensure your proposal meets the program’s intended impact.

Can we use the grant to add bollards for pedestrian and building safety from nearby vehicles?

Yes, bollards are an eligible activity; however, please refer to the scoring criteria published on page 8 of the grant solicitation to ensure your proposal meets the program’s intended impact.

Does the grant cover the cost of a land survey to show us where our true land boundaries are?

Yes, a land survey could be an eligible activity as long as there is a logical nexus to your proposed façade improvement(s) explained in your proposal narrative.

In regards to new construction cost, I imagine new planters or designs in the front will need to be cleared by the fire department, who can best advise on the guidelines of where we can and cannot build so we don't have an issue with fire department?

Please note, per page 4 of the grant solicitation, landscaping is not an eligible activity.

The City will advise all businesses conditionally awarded a grant on how to comply with City regulations during the application review meeting described on page 10 of the grant solicitation. If your proposed improvements require planning and/or building permits, the City will also provide consultation on how to obtain all applicable approvals.