Annual BizX Event

Entrepreneurs, small business owners and industry professionals annually join the City’s Office of Innovation and Economic Development and Sacramento County Office of Economic Development for an exploration into innovation and creativity.

The annual event features a lineup of engaging speakers, and opportunities for networking and connection. The format is designed to inspire attendees, challenge their thinking, and provide practical tools and techniques for driving innovation in their own work and lives. 

”Innovation can help keep businesses moving forward by inventing new ideas or products and bridging any gaps between communities and businesses."

A speaker onstage with the "Biz X" larger cutout letters to his left with a screen behind him. open_in_full

Highlights of BizX '24: Leveraging AI Technologies

In today's rapidly advancing technological era, AI is at the forefront of shaping the future landscape of business.

Highlights of BizX 2023: Art of Innovation

A quick recap of BizX 2023: Art of Innovation