Northgate Boulevard Storefront Improvement Grant FAQs

PDF Frequently Asked Questions for Download



What is the Northgate Boulevard Storefront Improvement Grant Program?

The Northgate Boulevard Storefront Improvement (NBSI) Grant Program provides up to $15,000 for small business owners to complete eligible exterior improvements.

By improving the physical appearance of storefronts along the Northgate Boulevard commercial corridor, the program aims to:

1. Support retention and growth of existing businesses

2. Deter vacancies

3. Attract more visitors

4. Spur new investment

What can I use the grant funding for?

Eligible activities include but are not limited to:

1. Exterior painting including murals

2.Installation of new façade elements or repair/replacement of existing façade elements such as signs, awnings, canopies, lighting, windows, doors, stucco, siding, tile, or stone accents

3. Restoration of original architectural features

4. Removal of boarded windows, security bars, dilapidated signs, awnings, and other exterior clutter

5. Exterior security enhancements, but must meet the following requirements:
     (a)Cannot exceed 25% of total grant award

     (b)Must comply with the City’s design standards and overall vision for the corridor and 

     (c)Must be proposed in conjunction with other exterior beautification improvements

6. Applicable professional service fees related to design, architectural, electrical, engineering, or construction plans, but cannot exceed 25% of total grant award

7. Applicable City and State permitting fees

The City will consider other activities on a case-by-case basis, provided the activities contribute to the permanent improvement of the physical appearance of the property.

Please note, applicants applying for multiple City of Sacramento grants cannot receive funding from multiple programs to pay for the same improvements.

Additionally, the activities cannot be one of the ineligible activities listed below.

Ineligible activities include:

1. Interior property improvements

2.Improvements to new buildings constructed within the last five calendar years

3. Performing general or deferred repair or maintenance including roof repair and replacement

4. Upgrading mechanical, plumbing, or electrical equipment

5. Installation of landscaping

6. Land clearing or tree removal costs

7.  Parking area paving, resurfacing, repairing, or restriping

8. Construction of new block walls or fencing

9.  Residential projects located in residential neighborhoods and non-conforming uses in commercially zoned areas

Are security enhancements an eligible activity?

Discrete security enhancements such as the installation of cameras or rolldown doors are eligible as long as the security enhancements do not exceed 25% of the total grant award, comply with the City’s design standards and overall vision for the corridor and are proposed in conjunction with other exterior beautification improvements.

Who is eligible to apply?

To be eligible, applicants must meet all of the following criteria: 

1. Operate a retail or service establishment in a building with street frontage located on Northgate Boulevard

2. Qualify as a for-profit business
     a.Non-profit entities are not eligible

3. Be independently owned and operated
     a. Cannot be owned by or affiliated with a parent organization that does not meet the remaining eligibility criteria

     b. Franchises are not eligible

4. Be locally owned and operated
     a. Principal office located in the greater Sacramento region

     b. Owners/officers domiciled in the greater Sacramento region

5. Have 100 or fewer employees or earn $18 million or less in average annual gross receipts over the last three tax years

If a tenant, applicant must also:

1. Obtain the property owner’s written consent for the proposed improvements

2. Have a current lease with a minimum of three years remaining or obtain the property owner’s written assurance of a lease extension for at least three years

Are non-profits eligible to apply?

No, non-profits are not eligible to apply. The City is prioritizing for-profit businesses. Should the City not fully award the available funding, the City may consider expanding the eligibility criteria via a future solicitation.

Are franchises eligible to apply?

No, franchises are not eligible to apply. The City is prioritizing independently owned and operated businesses. Should the City not fully award the available funding, the City may consider expanding the eligibility criteria via a future solicitation.

Can I apply for multiple grants?

Applicants doing business in more than one building can apply for multiple grants. However, the City reserves the right to limit the number of grants awarded to any applicant at its sole discretion.

How much are grant awards?

The minimum grant award per application is $5,000.

The maximum grant award per application is $15,000.

Is there a match requirement?

No, there is no match requirement.

How is the City selecting who is awarded a grant?

A review panel will score applications using the scoring rubric published in the solicitation.

How will I receive the grant funding?

The City will issue payment via an incurred cost method. For this grant program, an incurred cost means either an expense that the grantee has already paid or an expense that the grantee is obligated to pay but has not yet made the payment.

The City will withhold 10% of the total grant award until completion of an onsite inspection.