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As a local government employee, your daily roles and responsibilities directly impact the lives of people who live, work, and play in the City of Sacramento. During an emergency or disaster, the City may ask you to change your normal scope of duties, or routines to fulfill an unexpected need, as a Disaster Service Worker (DSW). All public employees within California are considered Disaster Service Workers. This includes cities, counties, and state employees. You will never be asked to perform duties that you do not know how to do or have not received adequate training for.
On this page, you can learn more about your role as a Disaster Service Worker, and how to prepare yourself and your family.
Under State law, Title I, Section 3100 of the California Government Code, all government employees are declared Disaster Service Workers who can be called upon in any emergency. This means that City, County, and State employees have a responsibility to help in a disaster. Employees will perform duties as described in the Business Continuation Plans for their respective programs, or other duties as assigned. Every effort will be made to permit employees time to check on and secure the safety of their families. Once the employee has ensured their families are secure, they may be required to report back to work immediately following a disaster. With this in mind, employees are encouraged to follow the steps to form an Emergency Response Plan for Home and Family to prepare their families now for unexpected disasters. If an employee must leave the work site to check on their family, prior to leaving the employee should work out a plan with their supervisor or designee for when to return to work and how to be contacted.
Recent events around the world, and here in California, have increased awareness of the need for teamwork and preparedness for all emergency incidents, hazards, and disasters. Under State law, all government employees are DISASTER SERVICE WORKERS who can be called upon in any emergency.
The California Government Code states that: "All public employees are hereby declared to be Disaster Service Workers subject to such disaster service activities as may be assigned to them by their superiors or by law": This means that in addition to our everyday duties, we have an added responsibility to help in a disaster. This is important. All of our advanced preparation and planning can only succeed if we are ready, willing, and prepared to continue our responsibility to serve the public even in the face of crisis. Many public employees are already trained to respond. During a disaster, some departments will respond in their traditional roles (such as police and fire). Other departments may be required to perform their day-today tasks as well as other duties to support the activities of the City’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Employees who do not have a specific disaster assignment, and who have not received specific training, may be asked to perform other duties as assigned. These duties will normally be nontechnical, but very important, such as:
During a time of emergency, non-essential employees may perform regular duties or may have alterations to their duties. You may also be asked to take on tasks outside of your normal responsibilities to work in support of emergency operations, assist with support functions at a disaster site, coordinate information about the disaster or available public services, and other activities needed to effectively respond to the hazard in your community.
Examples of how your work may be altered during an emergency response period include:
When working in your role as a Disaster Service Worker, always remember to:
When can you be exempted from Disaster Service Work?
There will be times when family commitments or other pressing needs during an event will supersede you being able to work. Examples: care of elderly parents/relatives, care of children, or residing in the affected emergency zone.
How long might you be relocated?
The standard request is for a DSW to be available to work for 14 days. While the goal is to provide relief for someone after a week, in a catastrophic event (e.g., earthquake) this might be difficult. Out of pocket expenses for travel and per diem will be paid according to your bargaining unit provisions. Overtime will also be paid according to your bargaining unit provisions. If travel is required for prolonged periods, arrangements will be made for payment.
There are two Government Codes that protect DSWs:
Emergency orders executed by the Governor could add additional requirements and/or benefits for Disaster Service Workers.
We may not be able to stop a disaster in its tracks, the precautions we take can reduce the effects on our families and ourselves. With your help, the citizens of Sacramento can have great confidence that we, the employees of the City of Sacramento, are ready, willing, and able to work together and continue to serve their community in the event of an emergency. Thank you for your commitment to serving the City of Sacramento through preparation, response, mitigation, and recovery.