CORE Completed Projects

CORE grant 2024 funding cycle: award 1 and 2 completed

The City of Sacramento was awarded $1,250,000 in grant funds by the Governor's Office of Economic and Business Development (Go-Biz) for the 2024 funding cycle.

The award requires a match of $750,000 and is paid by the State in quarterly dispursements. The award will be distributed through four Tiered Grants in a non-competitive process. The first two application periods have been awarded and the third will be announced in coming weeks.

CORE grant 2023 funding cycle - completed

The City of Sacramento was awarded $1,563,722.87 in grant funds by the Governor's Office of Economic and Business Development (Go-Biz) for the 2023 funding cycle.

Funds from the Go-Biz grant were distributed through a Tiered Grant process to eligible CORE participants and businesses. Now on it's second year, the Tiered Grant is a noncompetitive process, where the amount allocated to each tier is determined by the number of qualified applicants. As part of the Tiered Grant 2023 funds distribution process, OCM has requested progress reports from previous grantees who received funds under the Tiered Grant 2022 and Large Grants ($125,000) by 07/31/2023. This step aims to gather updates on the projects and initiatives that were previously funded, allowing for evaluation, tracking their progress through the application process and operation of an existing business. No grant award will be less than $10,000 and the maximum amount will be determined by the number of valid applications received within the application period. 

Applications will require the following information and documentation:

  • Name
  • Contact Information
  • BOP Status including OP#, if applicable
  • Business Name
  • Business Type
  • Z/P# for CUP (No TMP or PLN numbers, which are temporary files)
  • Building permits applied for and issued (COM#)
  • Business documents required for businesses without BOPs which include these 4 documents:
  • Bylaws or Operating Agreement
  • Statement of Information filed with the Secretary of State
  • List of owners and ownership percentages
  • NOTE: If BOP has already been issued, written verification is needed that all of the BOP documentation OCM has on file for your business is correct at the time of grant application
  • Signature of CORE Grant Applicant (OCM may also require a copy of the applicant’s photo id to insure the named applicant is actually applying for the grant)

Qualifying categories/tiers

Business with No BOP (Tiers 1-4)

  • Tier One - Applied for CUP
  • Tier Two - Has CUP (Approved or Existing – must be consistent with the use for proposed cannabis business)
  • Tier Three - Building Permits Issued
  • Tier Four - Certificate of Occupancy Issued

Business with BOP (Tier 5) Funding can be used for any regulated cannabis business purposes: inventory, equipment, rent, marketing, etc.

Once the award for each tier is announced, applicants will need to:

  1. Provide a proposed detailed budget clearly showing how grant funds will be used towards opening or keeping open a regulated cannabis business in Sacramento; and
  2. Sign a grant agreement indicating that the funds will be spent towards opening or keeping open a CORE cannabis business; and
  3. Apply for a supplier id account if they don’t already have one. After these steps are completed, a grant check will be issued to the approved applicant.

Important things to remember:

  • One grant is available per person, per business
  • Additional grant applications submitted for the same person/business will be deemed void 
  • The grant application is open to all verified CORE participants whose cannabis business fits into one of the above Tiers , EXCEPT those with a disqualifying event as determined solely by OCM. 

You will not qualify for the grant if you:

  • Previously received a grant award (over $5,000) and failing to move to the next tier AND inability to provide adequate documentation as determined by OCM showing at least 70% of prior grant was used for the identified regulated cannabis business and location in the previously approved budget 
  • Misused of any grant funds from the City of Sacramento for unapproved expenses or use on an unapproved business 
  • Are in default on a CORE Capital Loan (loan sent to collections) Are in default on Business Operations Tax (BOT) at the time of application 

For any questions on the application process, please contact the OCM Team. 

CORE 2022 Funding Cycle

The CORE Tiered Grant Program closed on Sept 2, 2022. At least 40 participants were deemed eligible and and grant funds ranging from $58,000 to $90,000 for a total of $3,046,000. The awards are based on their current status as a future cannabis business or a permit holder.

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CORE 2021 Funding Cycle

In March 2021, the City of Sacramento received $1.8 million in grants from the Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development (Go-Biz) to help increase equity in the cannabis industry. Of these funds, $1.4 million were allocated towards the CORE Grant Program. Approximately 10% is allocated for direct technical assistance while another 10% is allocated towards the cost of administering the program.

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Grant Funding

Small Grants (up to $5,000)

The application period for small grants with a funding of up to $5,000 opened on March 21, 2022. After a review of applications, 31 CORE applicants received small grants of up to $5,000 each.

Large Grants (up to $125,000)

The application period for large grants opened on January 19, 2022 for CORE participants with a leased or owned locations. Under this grant program, CORE members can request up to $125,000 on a first-come-first-served basis. Following a review of requests, a total of 13.5 requests were approved for funding.

CORE 2020 Funding Cycle

In February 2020, the City of Sacramento received $1.12 million in grant funds from the Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC) to assist local jurisdictions in implementing a social equity program. Read the City Council Report accepting funds from the BCC on February 4, 2020 here. With these funds, the Office of Cannabis Management established the CORE Business Reimbursement Program, in which cannabis Business Operating Permit (BOP) applicants who have completed or were enrolled in the CORE Program are eligible to receive a reimbursement of up to $25,000 for expenses incurred towards obtaining their permit. As of March 2021, the program has expended all its funding and have funded at least 50 requests from CORE businesses.