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Cannabis Opportunity Reinvestment and Equity (CORE) Program

Created in 2018, the Cannabis Opportunity Reinvestment and Equity (CORE) program was designed to address the impact of the War on Drugs on communities of color and other marginalized groups. It provides assistance and resources to help individuals and communities disproportionately affected by cannabis-related criminalization to enter and succeed in the legal cannabis industry.

Enclosed is the Council item containing the program description and benefits , the resolution  that created the program and the equity study  that served as the basis for the program classifications. 

Who can participate in the CORE Program?

To be eligible for the CORE Program, they must qualify under one of the five classifications below. Classifications 1 and 2 are for individuals, while Classifications 3, 4 and 5 are for businesses. 


 An individual that is eligible to participate in the program is either:

Classification 1

A current or former resident of the City of Sacramento who previously resided or currently resides in a lowincome household and was either:

a) arrested or convicted for a cannabis related crime in Sacramento between the years 1980 and 2011; or is

b) an immediate family member of an individual described in subsection a of Classification 1 or Classification 2.

Classification 2

A current or former resident of the City of Sacramento who has lived in a low-income household for at least five (5) years, between the years of 1980 and 2011 in the following zip codes: 95811, 95815, 95817, 95820, 95823, 95824, 95826, 95828, and 95818.


A cannabis business that is eligible to participate in the program is either:

Classification 3

A cannabis business with not less than 51% ownership by individuals meeting Classifications 1 or 2 criteria that reside within the city district in which their business sits, if any. If no such individuals exist, individuals meeting Classifications 1 or 2 criteria from other applicable areas may be utilized.

Classification 4

A cannabis business that is a CORE Incubator. Classification 5. A Cannabis Social Enterprise with not less than 51% ownership by individuals meeting Classifications 1 or 2 criteria.

Classification 5

A Cannabis Social Enterprise with not less than 51% ownership by individuals meeting Classifications 1 or 2 criteria.

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Join the program

If you meet the eligibility requirements to participate in the program, take the first step in becoming a CORE Program participant.

Individual eligibility verification

Please use this website  to contact Launch Industries for CORE verification. 

Business eligibility verification

Contact the Office of Cannabis Management