SLRP 28th and B Street Mural

SLRP 28th and B Skate Park Baler Building gets a new mural!

The ideal and requested mural design envisioned for this site was one that would highlight the natural habitat and history around the American River watershed and surrounding river environment. Ideally, this public art piece would become an attraction, teaching tool, and inspiration station for park visitors.

A dedicated group of vested and intestested groups, and other relavent parties including local community organizations, city officials, representatives of local tribal communities, and environmentalists came together to choose muralist Liv Unger from among many applicants.


Liv Losee-Unger's "The Living Balance" photoshopped onto Baler Building Skate Park 28th and B Streets

Mural photoshopped onto building next to a shade structure against blue sky with a dirt road in the foreground. open_in_full

"The Living Balance" by Liv Losee-Unger's Mural photoshop image, mural soon to be installed.

Liv's detailed Design Process

Liv then spent many weeks working on design concepts and draft renditions to finalize the mural deatils. The results of this labor will be installed early in 2025. Her research was arduous and thorough, consulting with the many partners established in the artist selection and design review process. The final design is beautiful, engaging and enchanting while at the same time serving as as enducational tool accessible to all.

Liv's Final Design

five-panel nature scene open_in_full

Liv's design for the Baler Building

"The Living Balance", Panel #1 by Liv Unger from ORLUarts

Image of coyote on a riverbank next to a tule boat. Condor flies overhead. open_in_full

"The Living Balance" panel #1, photo courtesy of Liv Unger

"The Living Balance", panel #2 by Liv Unger from ORLUarts

Image of various animals and birds indigenous to the American River watershed open_in_full

"The Living Balance" panel #2, courtesy of Liv Unger

"The Living Balance", Panel #3 by Liv Unger from ORLUarts

Large dragonfly in a yellow box in upper left corner, images of birds flying and swimming, while below the water line, fish swim. open_in_full

Detail of "The Living Balance", Panel #3 by Liv Unger from ORLUarts

"The Living Balance" panel #5

River otter family sits on a log with Kingfisher. Woodpecker on the tree above. . Turtles sit nearby. Cattails in front. open_in_full

"The Living Balance" panel #4 photo courtesy of Liv Unger

"The Living Balance" panel #5

Sandhill cranes stand in the marsh while Bald Eagle flies overhead. open_in_full

"The Living Balance" panel #5, photo courtesy of Liv Unger

Community Paint Day at the Skate Park was a BLAST!

On Saturday, March 15, 2025, ORLUarts team leader Liv Losee-Unger led a mighty team of volunteer artists of all ages from the community to paint the inside ticket booth with details from her outdoor vinyl mural The Living Balance. 

Click here to see the time-lapse of our paint day.

Special thanks to Mr. McDaniels and his students for all the help and love they brought to this project. Special thanks to Mayor Kevin McCarty for stopping by!

We look forward to seeing everyone at our dedication event coming soon!