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The Employee Separations and Off-boarding page is designed to ensure a smooth and organized transition for employees separating from City service or transitioning to a new department within the City. Below, you will find relevant details and processes related to employee separations. Please review the following sections carefully. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your direct supervisor or Human Resources.
Although California Labor Code § 201 requires private sector employers to provide final payment to employees within 24 to 72 hours of separation, it is important to note, this labor code does not apply to most government agencies, including the City of Sacramento. Specifically, Labor Code § 220(b) provides the City an exemption to Labor Code § 201.
Employees separating from City service will receive their final paycheck for all hours worked on the regular pay cycle. Employee leave payouts are paid on the paycheck following your last “working” paycheck. Please refer to the City’s Payroll Processing Calendar for payroll processing timelines.
Example: If you worked during the pay period 8/12/23 – 8/25/23, you will be paid for any hours worked on the 9/05/23 paycheck. Leave balances, if any, will be paid out on the 9/19/23 paycheck.
Pursuant to City Charter § 107 and the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Board, Rule 15.8, vacation cash out expressly provides that an employee does not begin to earn vacation until after “at least six months of service.” That same charter section also provides that a city employee does not become entitled to a lump-sum payment for unused vacation time upon separation until after six months of city service.
All other leave balances are paid out pursuant to documents applicable to the employee including, but not limited to: labor agreements or Personnel Resolution Covering Unrepresented Officers and Employees. If you have questions regarding payouts, please contact Payroll at (916) 808-5495.
2023 Payroll Processing Calendar
2024 Payroll Processing Calendar
2025 Payroll Processing Calendar
Employers are required to file W2s with the IRS and distribute to current and previous employees by January 31st of each calendar year. Therefore, the City mails out W2s on or before January 31st each year. All employees who have separated from City service will receive their W2 by United States Postal Service (USPS) mail. It is highly encouraged that separating employees update their mailing address and contact information in eCAPS prior to separating from the City to ensure your W2 is sent to the correct mailing address.
Inquiries related to W2s can be sent to:
Brian Helf, Senior Accountant Auditor
(916) 808-5830
As you embark on the next chapter of your career journey, we invite you to take a moment to share your valuable insights and experiences with us through our exit interview process.
Your feedback is incredibly important to us, as it helps us understand the strengths of our organization and identify areas where we can improve. Your input can make a real difference for your colleagues and the City of Sacramento as a whole.
Why Should You Participate?
How to Get Started: Completing the Exit Survey is easy and confidential. Simply click on the link to begin.
Your responses will be kept strictly confidential, and your identity will not be disclosed.
We genuinely appreciate your time and commitment to helping us continually improve. Thank you for being an essential part of our journey, and we wish you the very best in your future endeavors.
Should you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Human Resources at
Once again, thank you for your dedication and contributions during your time with us. Your feedback is invaluable, and we look forward to hearing from you.
Employee benefits terminate on the last day of the month in which you separate or will terminate if you separate on the first day of the month. For example, if you separate on March 2, your benefits will continue through March 31. If you separate on March 1, your benefits will terminate on March 1.
COBRA Coverage information can be found on the Employee and Retiree Benefits COBRA coverage webpage. Questions related to coverage should be sent to Benefit Services by emailing or by calling 916-808-5665.
Separating employees are responsible for returning their employee ID badge and all City property or assets to their direct supervisor or designee no later than 3pm on your last physical working day. Failure to do so may result in necessary actions to recover the property or the associated costs.
City property includes but is not limited to:
We appreciate your cooperation in upholding our commitment to responsible custodianship of City resources. If you have any questions or need assistance with the return of your equipment or assets, please contact your direct supervisor.
The City’s process is to deactivate employee access to databases, systems, and facilities no later than 3:00 p.m. on their last physical workday (whether teleworking or working on site) of employment. Once your access is deactivated, you will lose access to eCAPS, your ability to update your contact information, and download copies of paychecks and/or W-2 information.
While system access will be cut off, you will remain in paid status for the duration of your scheduled workday.
For employees transferring to another department within the City of Sacramento, except for transferring to the Police or Fire departments, your network and Office 365 accounts will not be deactivated. Access to all other City databases, systems, and facilities will be deactivated. It is your responsibility to work with your new department to receive authorization for access to any required databases or systems needed for your new position.
California Labor Code § 2810.5 requires employers to provide employees with the DE 2320—For Your Benefit: California’s Program for the Unemployed (FYB). This document is crucial as it delineates employees’ rights to essential benefits such as unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and paid family leave. Ensuring that employees receive this information empowers them to navigate their entitlements during periods of job transition or personal need.