HR Documents & Resources

Citywide salary schedule

Salary Schedule 


In an effort to promote government transparency and openness, the City of Sacramento is providing the latest compensation information for elected officials, officers, and employees found on the State Controller's Government Compensation in California site.

Remote Work

Remote Work Policy

Remote Work Request Form (city employees)

3rd Party VPN Request Form (contractors)

Risk Management annual reports

The Risk Management Division presents an annual report to the City Council. The report provides the Council and management with an overview of Risk Management programs. The intent of the report is to provide City leadership and managers with departmental exposure and loss information so effective loss prevention activities may be implemented to eliminate or reduce potential future losses. The report contains summaries of workers’ compensation, general liability, and auto liability losses by fiscal year, as well as excess insurance limits and premiums. Significant Risk Management related activities are also summarized in the report. The last three annual reports may be accessed below.

Risk Management FY23 Annual Report

Risk Management FY22 Annual Report

Risk Management FY21 Annual Report

General and auto liability claims

The City of Sacramento utilizes Sedgwick, a third-party administer, to handle liability claims filed against the City.

Claims may be filed online or by paper form. Claimants should only file one claim form using the method of their choice, not both methods.

Instructions - How to File A Claim Against The City of Sacramento

File a Claim Online - Coming soon!

File a Claim by US Mail or In Person


Employment Verification

Employers, mortgage and automotive lenders, and other credit lenders may require current and past employment verification with the City of Sacramento. The City of Sacramento handles employment verification through The Work Number.

Current and Past employees can verify their own work data by creating an account and reviewing their data on

Employers, lenders, and all other verifiers
Employment verifications can be done by phone or by The Work Number website.

Phone: 1-800-367-5690 code: 14367


Reference Checks

Potential employers who wish to perform a reference check for a current or past employee must do so in alignment with the City of Sacramento’s Reference Checks for Employees policy.

When an employer seeks a reference check, the employer must provide a City of Sacramento Release form signed by the City of Sacramento employee. The release form located on pages 4-5 of the Reference Checks for Employees policy. The release form can be submitted to

Citywide accessibility

Please visit our dedicated Citywide accessibility page to review our accessibility policies and report any accessibility issues.